Director Shahidul Haque Khan dies of cancer

Entertainment Desk Published: 20 April 2023, 09:36 AM
Director Shahidul Haque Khan dies of cancer

National Film Award winner lyricist and director Shahidul Haque Khan died of cancer on Wednesday night. 

He breathed his last at his residence in the capital around 11:30pm. 

Confirming the death to Jago News, his son Saiful Haque Khan Sourov, said the body of his father will be taken to Shilpakala Academy in Dhaka on Thursday morning and kept there from 11am to 12pm. Later, his father will be buried at Banani Intellectual Graveyard after a namaz-e-janaza.

Shahidul made his first film “Chutir Faade” in 1973. He also made his first package drama “Kothay Sejon” for BTV in 1994.

Apart from making movie, he worked as a journalist at different newspapers. He was a senior member of Bangladesh Cine-Journalist Association (BACSAS).