Jago News reporter Rasel gets Democracy International Award

Staff Reporter Published: 29 February 2024, 12:39 PM
Jago News reporter Rasel gets Democracy International Award

Democracy International has awarded Jago News’ staff reporter Ismail Hossain Rasel for the best gender-sensitive political reporting in online media category.

The US-based organization gave the award to Rasel under USAID’s Strengthening Political Landscape in Bangladesh project at a ceremony in a hotel in Dhaka on Wednesday night. 

Rasel won the award for his report titled “Grassroots women’s politics trapped in ‘reserved’ quotas” published on Jago News.

Four other journalists were also awarded for the best gender-sensitive political reporting in print, online and television categories.

They are Kamrun Nahar Sumi (New Age), Farhana Taher Tithi (Daily Khaborer Kagoj), Abdul Halim Aditya Rimon (Dhakapost.com) and Atoar Hossain (Nagorik TV).

They were part of a group of 23 journalists who received training on gender sensitive political reporting, organised by Democracy International under USAID's Strengthening Political Landscape in Bangladesh project.

The winners were awarded based on the quality and impact of their reports, which were published or broadcasted between November 2023 and February 2024. They received their awards and certificates from Dana L. Olds, the Chief of Party of Democracy International's SPL project.

Deputy Chief of Party (Programmes) Aminul Ehsan, Deputy Chief of Party Lesley Richards, Senior Director Lipika Biswas, and Senior Programme Specialist Rita Das were also present at the ceremony.

Earlier on January 18 last year, Ismail Hossain Rasel received the ‘LDDP Journalist Award’ for his outstanding reports. He achieved first position and won the award in online media category conferred by Department of Livestock Services of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries.

He got a fellowship from Democracy International for a report on election. He was also awarded by Minority Alliance International for his report on Shia community.